We cut our teeth during the biggest globalization event in recent history, when the Canadian mineral exploration industry expanded from near zero, to over 2,000 companies operating in over 140 countries. We launched dozens of new companies for ourselves and clients, that started operations in weeks while we contracted and managed large projects in over 15 countries, and hired and trained over 2,000 staff. While geology remains our passion, we apply the lessons learned on over 100 international projects, to assist clients begin operating and generating revenue in weeks. Regardless of what industry or sector, we have the experience to deliver.

We are serial, international entrepreneurs with decades of actual start up experience, sharing the same challenges, sleepless nights, with our own skin in the game facing the same big decisions as our clients.

We have learned from our own successes and failures, as well as those from well over 100 international engagements, combined with systematic research, and have packaged these lessons learned to pass on to our clients.

Everyone wants to get established fast, with minimal cost and that is what XPM delivers: results

What we don’t do is submit management consultant reports of what you could, or should do along with an eye watering invoice.

XPM gets you established and operating in new markets – not just make a few introductions and toss you under a bus.

XPM brings over 30 years of multilingual, boots on the ground expertise in over 25 countries, delivering International Market Access Solutions on well over 100 projects.

Why Choose Us?

Over 30 years experience working with clients on high intensity projects, where achieving objectives at minimum cost is job #1.

Proven Success: XPM uses the same methods developed, and then optimized by literally tens of thousands of thriving exporters since the 1990’s. It’s not a revolution, it’s evolution – and we specialize in making it accessible to those who haven’t yet been shown the way.

Speedy Market Entry: Well prepared firms enter most new markets in weeks, not months. Our, proven, swift, and efficient strategies get you established, often before the “other guys” have delivered their report.

Rapid Revenue: Start generating revenue in as little as 180 days in most markets. Experienced exporters commonly generate revenue in months, and XPM will work with you to build the same capacity in your company so you can too.

Affordable: Scalable solutions are customized to meet your strategic needs in line with available resources, with comprehensive future growth planning and control built in that you can implement on your schedule.

Managed Risk: Entrepreneurs each have their risk tolerance, and intuitively understand that agility, knowledge, fast information flow and solid communications protocols are the most effective methods to manage risk. We can propose solutions to satisfy most any level of risk tolerance, and build in the necessary structure to ensure risk is effectively identified and managed.


There are many “expert” advisors for international trade, and how to manage your company.

But, have you actually asked them exactly what their experience is and what makes them “experts” ?

Our challenge is: ask those who say they are “trade consultants” or “facilitators” or “advisors”, the hard questions if they have:

  • Ever started their own business?
  • Completed a “boots on the ground” market analysis with comprehensive competitive and competitive environment assessment?
  • Held senior management position responsible for strategy in a business with over $2M a year (ie not a lemonade stand)?
  • Can they given an example of where they ideated, then implemented a significant strategy?
  • Have they ever entered a new market and hit ROI?
  • Been an entrepreneur? If so what was their big idea and was it profitable (or just worked as an employee)
  • Written an applied Business Case or Business Plan – and then actually implemented it?

It turns out that few – often none – of the so called “experts” have done any of these things.

Yet they are the experts that ask you to trust them, and often to pay them large sums of money for their advice.

Our Challenge: why would you accept advice from someone who has never sat in your chair, faced the same challenges, and has zero idea of what being an entrepreneur or business owner is about?

Think about that and address it before you accept any advice.



XPM Global’s services are delivered by subject matter experts, with decades of experience and appropriate Professional Accreditation in each of the countries and markets where we operate.

Each of our associates brings an extensive knowledge and established network of industry and government to the table to enable our clients make a rapid, affordable, and managed risk entry.

Our network of associates are also contractors who can provide turnkey, outsourced +/- offshored services to assist rapid start ups. In some cases we can have client’s operating and generating revenue in as little as 14 days. Ask us how.

We have been working with a distributed / remote work model since the mid 1990’s, long before it became popular during Covid, except instead of working across town, we work around the world in multiple languages, cultures, legal systems and with detailed knowledge of the specific challenges in each.

A Note on Revenue

We are often asked to assist in the development of Export Plans with a narrow focus of exclusively selling widgets into international markets.

Successful exporters focus on the broader definition of “Doing Business” with a more holistic view of revenue to that start with reducing input costs by identifying lower cost procurement partners, accessing new sources of lower cost talent, or acquiring new technologies or lower cost production methods that will increase their competitive advantage. Only then do they concentrate on sales revenue.

During the start up phase, a dollar saved can often be equivalent to well over $100 in sales revenue. Therefore, when we reference revenue, we are considering the broader definition.

In some cases clients on new market entry, have immediately taken $100’s thousands off their top line costs, long before they generate any new sales.

XPM can show you how you can too.