Selected Projects and Examples

  • Argentina: Jujuy to Sta Cruz: Project Management, New Venture Development, Market Assessments, Community Relations

  • Afghanistan: Project Management, Operations, Logistics, Business Development, Contract Compliance, Supplier Development, International Investment & Financing, Recruitment & Staffing

  • Brazil: Operations & Organizational Development (9 states), Business Development, Import / Export, Project Management, Community Relations, Contract Compliance, Distributor Network Development, Recruitment & Staffing, Business Plans, M&A Due Diligence, New Product Development, Camp Construction, Org. Dev.

  • Bolivia: Procurement, Supply Chain, Market Analysis, Project Management, Business Planning, M&A Due Diligence

  • Barbados: New company formation, Business Plans, Business Case, Project Financing

  • Canada: Procurement, Camp Construction / Operations, Project Management, Operations, Import / Export, Management Consulting, Supply Chain, Business Cases / Plans, Contracting, Org Dev. Recruitment

  • Chile: Procurement, Supply Chain, Distributor Network Development, Project Management, M&A Due Diligence, Import / Export, Market Analysis, Business Cases, Org Dev. Recruitment

  • Dubai: Business Development across MENA, Contract Compliance, New Product Development, Logistics, Contractor Management, Supply Chain, Business Plans, Market Analysis

  • Ethiopia: Market Analysis, Business Cases, Business Plans, Logistics Assessment, Local Vendor Development, Supplier Capacity Assessment, New Company Formation, Distributor Network Development, Import / Export,

  • French Guyana: Project Management, Community Relations, Logistics, HR, Contractor Compliance, Import / Export, Business Development, Due Diligence, Camp Construction, Org Dev, Recruitment, Training

  • Guatemala: New Venture Development, Market Analysis, New Product Introduction & Testing, Community Relations, Business Plans,

  • Guyana: Project Management, Community Relations, Audits, M&A Due Diligence, New Company Formation, Business Development, Market Analysis, Business Case, Business Plans, Import / Export, Procurement, Camp Construction, Org Dev. Recruitment, training, staffing

  • Italy: Procurement, Market Analysis, Business Case, New Venture Development

  • Kenya: Business Development, Logistics, Supplier Capacity Assessment, Business Cases, Business Plans, Market Analysis

  • Mexico: Project Management, Business Development, Supply Chain, New Company Formation, Turnkey Start-up, Logistics, Import / Export, HR, Community Relations, Organizational Development, M&A DD, Procurement, Recruitment, Org Dev. Operations Management

  • Nicaragua: Project Management, Operations, Conflict Resolution, Community Relations, Import / Export, HR, Contracting, M&A Due Diligence, Contract Compliance, Recruitment, Org Dev.

  • Peru: Mining related start up for clients, Turnkey corporate registry, Global Value Chains, Supply Chain Development, Project Management, Operations, M&A DD, Outsourcing, Procurement, HR, Recruitment, Coaching, Camp Construction, Org Dev.

  • Paraguay: Project Management, Org Dev, training and capacity development,

  • Panama: Financing, Distributor Development, New Product Development, Market Analysis, Business Case, Business Plan

  • Pakistan: Logistics, Procurement, Supplier / Vendor Capacity Assessment, Outsourcing Assessments

  • Tanzania: Logistics, Market Analysis, Business Cases, Supplier / Vendor Qualification,

  • Venezuela: Mineral Exploration & Geological Consulting, Strategic HR, Project Management, New Venture Development, Recruitment & Training, Market Analysis, Community Relations, Conflict Resolution, Import / Export, Business Development, M&A DD, Camp Construction, Org Dev

  • Zambia: New Venture Development, Stakeholder Management, Suppliers / Vendors Capacity Assessment, Supply Chain, Financing, Business Case, Business Plan,